Saturday, May 29, 2004

Beat this Don Quixote

Research shows us that majority of the blogs are kept by teenage girls. If that is so then why has there never been a 'blog of note' by a 15 year old girl? Why? It can't be because the life of a 15 year old girl is simply boring. If anything the life of a teenager has to be slightly more intresting than that of the average 9 -5 smuck.

Is it just lack of writing ability? But the law of averages refutes that argument. Out of the half a million different girls out there blogging there has to be one at least one girl writing a decent blog.

Thats going to be my mission. Tarwl through the Blogger profiles to try and find a decent blog written by a girl between the age of 13 - 15.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Its all over folks

Lets just say there isn't going to be any board bearing yours truly's name for some time yet. :'(

Came in 3rd.

They have no prizes for that.


Utter and terrifying fear. Imagine you condition after you have rum a marathon. The state where muscles turn to water start shaking on their on accord out of sheer exhaustion. The light-headedness. That is sort of an understated description what I feel like right about now (in case you are wondering, this is NOT hyperbole). There have been lots of times when you (yes you the stranger reading this) would have liked to be me. Glorious and fun days filled with euphoria. Days you might have rejoiced to be me. But, trust me, here today now, me, I am the last person you'd want to be.

[Drum rolls please] Today is results day.

[Launch into the choir part of O Fortuna] [Full Volume] This what one years of hard work (this is hyperbole) comes down to. I am so delibetated by anxiety and fear that I'll cave in and use a cliché. 'The moment of truth'. This is the real deal. The real thing. This is for the whole cannoli, this is for all the meatballs, this is for all the spaghetti, this is for all things holy and sacred. This, ladies and gentlemen, is IT.

Ok enough with all the histornics.

I have already been admitted to a good college. I have my visa (I am going to be studying in the US if you are wondering). So these results are not as make or break for me as they are for my other friends who depend solely on these marks to get into colleges. But they still matter. In a world populated (sadly) and dominated (catastrophically) by mothers whose entire conversational stock consists of what 'my precioussss baby' has done this stuff is like a 1000 mega ton H Bomb.

By this time if you are an Indian you have already figured out that I am referring to my X or XII grade board results. These are tests that everybody gives all over India whether they be studying under state board or the central boards. Think A levels and O levels, think PSAT and SAT, think bigger.

But these are all reasons why others are anxious. Honestly, none of these are reasons why I am truly anxious. You see there is this big maroon coloured board out in the assembly hall of our school, which chronicles all the school toppers right from the beginning. Lets just say I have a hankering desire to see a particular name up there. In the heart of my hearts I do know that I don't really have a chance at seeing my name up there but nevertheless I pray, hope and sit there frozen by fear and anticipation.

Friday, May 21, 2004


Yes its 'beginnings' indeed.

I have started and abandoned so many blogs its almost embarrassing. I say almost embarrassing because it takes a lot for me to be embarrassed.

So once again we start on this journey. The first few steps are quite familiar. But beyond that, hmmmmm, beyond that is the 'not so familiar territory'. Yes I know that I am supposed to write 'beyond that is the unknown' and not 'not so familiar territory' but that is so much of a cliché that I might as well start the blog with 'it was a dark stormy night'.

It’s a pitifully small post and I am embarrassed by it but some things in life are more important than one's blog (gasp! news flash to 'ev') and I have to go and do one of them.

